Primary School Sports – What’s the Problem?

Should primary schools have separate girls and boys team for sport?

Peter Woolton has been a primary school practitioner for over 20 years. He volunteered in youth work and schools prior to his qualifying as a teacher. During his time in schools, he has held a number of roles including Class Teacher, Assessment Manager, Assistant Head Teacher, Curriculum Manager and Governor.… Read more

“Boys don’t play with girls!”

Preschool children’s role in reinforcing gender stereotypes in early childhood education.

Cathy Kilburn recently completed a PhD in preschool children’s experience of gender stereotype reinforcement and policing within early childhood education settings. She is a lecturer of early childhood education at the University of Hull.

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Good Practice in Action

A note from the winner of our Good Practice Awards, 2023

Abbie Freel is the Personal Development and Wellbeing Lead at Ormiston Herman Academy in Great Yarmouth. OHA was one of the 15 schools participating in a pilot last year to trial an adapted version of Lifting Limits’ Gender Equality in Schools programme, which will enable us to scale our work across the country.… Read more

Launching the Global Boyhood Initiative in the UK

By David Bartlett, Project Lead, Global Boyhood Initiative

Globally, women and girls have been the driving force behind efforts to achieve gender equality, with most efforts not only created by but also targeted at women and girls – and rightly so, as women and girls are disproportionally affected by gender inequitable norms and behaviours.… Read more

International Men’s Day is for Everyone

By David Bartlett

David Bartlett is an internationally-known freelance consultant, researcher and trainer on gender equality, masculinities and fatherhood.  He works with statutory and third sector organisations and businesses to support strategic approaches to promoting gender justice and positive masculinities. 

It’s International Men’s Day this Friday, 19th November.  Had… Read more

A sporting summer?

By Heather Smith

Heather Smith is the Head of UK Programmes at Plan International UK, leading the strategic development and delivery of Plan International UK’s domestic work.  Ensuring the excellent delivery of existing programmes and working with the team to develop new programmes and relationships, with a focus on the long-term sustainability of the charity’s work through fundraising.… Read more

Promoting Gender Equality in a Hospital School

By Danielle Valder

Danielle Valdar is Assistant Headteacher and responsible for curriculum delivery at The Children’s Hospital School at Great Ormond Street Hospital. To celebrate the 72nd birthday of the NHS this week, Danielle has written about her experiences of being part of the Lifting Limits programme.… Read more

My daughter wasn’t allowed to play cricket with the boys

The Gender Agenda

James Millar, one half of Twitter account Gender Diary, writes for Lifting Limits about his now 11 year-old’s experience of playing cricket, and how to challenge sexism in sport in order to ensure continued participation of girls.

Gender Diary tweet about their daughter and son and how people treat them differently.… Read more

Gendered language in schools

Caren wrote a post for Gender Action: Gendered Language in Schools

She asks:

So does hearing a bit of gendered language in school really matter and do staff have a responsibility to address it?  Yes, because if we let gendered language lie we approve or endorse its message – what is left unchallenged becomes for children just the way the world is. 

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Lifting Limits for GLARE

Caren wrote a blog post for the University of Birmingham’s GLARE project.

‘Pink is a girls’ colour and blue is a boys’ colour’, my daughter told me on the way home from nursery one day around the age of 4. I was not only taken aback by what she said but also horrified at the way she asserted this statement as a matter of irrefutable fact.

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