Clever boys and pretty girls

Lifting Limits has recently featured in the March/April 2023 edition of the NEU’s magazine Educate.

Sarah Thompson from the NEU explores how Lifting Limits is helping to break down gender stereotypes in schools.

With thanks for the support from our partner schools Packmoor Ormiston Academy (Stoke on Trent), Fleet Primary school (Camden) and Barnham CEVC Primary (Suffolk), as well as our very own Head of Education Kirsty Ruthven.… Read more

Online influencers and primary-aged children

Safer Internet Day February 2023

By Kirsty Ruthven, Head of Education

A recent report by Ofcom highlights a range of new information around the online worlds of children. 95% of 8- to 11-year-olds used video sharing platforms (VSPs) such as YouTube and TikTok in 2021.… Read more