Primary School Sports – What’s the Problem?

Should primary schools have separate girls and boys team for sport?

Peter Woolton has been a primary school practitioner for over 20 years. He volunteered in youth work and schools prior to his qualifying as a teacher. During his time in schools, he has held a number of roles including Class Teacher, Assessment Manager, Assistant Head Teacher, Curriculum Manager and Governor.… Read more

Breaking Barriers

The Transformative Power of Toilets

As a development professional with experience in the field of education in India, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of seemingly mundane interventions.… Read more

Finding the women in history

By Karin Doull

Karin Doull is an Honorary Research Fellow at Roehampton University. She has been a fellow of the Historical Association was a Chartered Teacher of History (CT Hist) and writes extensively for the Primary History journal. She is also active in promoting history through workshops, webinars and conference seminars.… Read more