Beyond Gender Stereotypes

Lifting Limits is developing a new evidence-based curriculum called Beyond Gender Stereotypes, in partnership with Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice, a US-based non-profit organisation. This curriculum aims to promote gender equality and challenge gender stereotypes for all children aged 7–11 in England. It is designed for delivery as part of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE).

Get involved

The next phase of recruitment will start in February 2025, as we begin the process of implementing our programme to a wider school audience.

This curriculum is grounded in community and school-based research. It will be delivered in 40 primary schools across England during the academic years 2024-25 and 2025-26. It will offer a scalable, safe, engaging and age-appropriate learning experience across Years 3 to 6.

Teachers will have access to a self-guided online learning course, and associated guidance, to equip them to implement the Beyond Gender Stereotypes curriculum effectively. We are also developing guidance for schools to use with parents and carers, to build support for the curriculum and engage them to promote its objectives.

We will be seeking approval of the final version of this curriculum and associated guidance as a quality assured resource from the PSHE Association. At the end of the project, the curriculum, guidance and training materials will be made freely available for use by all primary schools in England.

To register your school’s interest in participating in this exciting initiative, click here.  

You can also find out more about the programme by clicking hereor you can contact David Bartlett (UK Project Lead) here to find out more about the project.

Global Boyhood Initiative

This curriculum is being developed as part of the Global Boyhood Initiative (GBI), which is co-ordinated by Equimundo and seeks to promote healthy boyhood from an early age. In the UK, GBI has been broadened to include all children – offering the opportunity to reflect on how gender affects their lives, and to support each other in creating positive change.

What is the Global Boyhood Initiative?

‘We believe boys can be themselves – their wonderful, complex, healthy, emotional selves – with a little help.’”


The Global Boyhood Initiative (GBI) aims to create long-term systemic change by engaging with every level of boys’ environment – home, school, the media, and so on.

GBI engages boys aged 4 to 13, and the people and institutions in their lives by offering the resources they need to encourage boys to become men who embrace healthy masculinity and gender equality.

GBI supports boys to:

  • share emotions in healthy ways
  • stand up and speak out against bullying and inequality 
  • accept and connect with others 
  • break free from stereotypes. 
The Global Boyhood Initiative is about guiding boys to:
- Share emotions in healthy ways
- Stand up & speak out against bullying & inequality
- Accept & connect with others
- Break free from stereotypes

GBI is coordinated by Equimundo with advisory support from a Partners’ Council, of which Lifting Limits is a member, alongside national and international civil society organisations.

Why is the Global Boyhood Initiative needed?

We cannot fully achieve gender equality without involving boys.

The behaviour of boys and men makes a big difference to the lives of everyone. But the messages boys often receive about how they should behave can lead them to close off emotionally.

Evidence shows that engaging boys and young men in discussions and activities about healthy masculinities and gender equality is crucial. Firstly, boys’ and men’s own well-being will benefit. But it can also empower children, achieve gender equality, and reduce male violence.

To achieve this, we need to start early – as soon as they are exposed to messaging about how society believes boys and men should behave. This will prevent these messages from being internalised.

We need a generation of boys who are not influenced by restrictive gender stereotypes. We need to raise boys who can build and sustain respectful, caring relationships, share their emotions in healthy ways and speak out against bullying.

For more information about the Global Boyhood Initiative around the world, visit Equimundo’s GBI website.