Launching the Global Boyhood Initiative in the UK

By David Bartlett, Project Lead, Global Boyhood Initiative

Globally, women and girls have been the driving force behind efforts to achieve gender equality, with most efforts not only created by but also targeted at women and girls – and rightly so, as women and girls are disproportionally affected by gender inequitable norms and behaviours.… Read more

International Men’s Day is for Everyone

By David Bartlett

David Bartlett is an internationally-known freelance consultant, researcher and trainer on gender equality, masculinities and fatherhood.  He works with statutory and third sector organisations and businesses to support strategic approaches to promoting gender justice and positive masculinities. 

It’s International Men’s Day this Friday, 19th November.  Had… Read more

A sporting summer?

By Heather Smith

Heather Smith is the Head of UK Programmes at Plan International UK, leading the strategic development and delivery of Plan International UK’s domestic work.  Ensuring the excellent delivery of existing programmes and working with the team to develop new programmes and relationships, with a focus on the long-term sustainability of the charity’s work through fundraising.… Read more

Promoting Gender Equality in a Hospital School

By Danielle Valder

Danielle Valdar is Assistant Headteacher and responsible for curriculum delivery at The Children’s Hospital School at Great Ormond Street Hospital. To celebrate the 72nd birthday of the NHS this week, Danielle has written about her experiences of being part of the Lifting Limits programme.… Read more

Lockdown fathers

Much has been written about how the pandemic has exposed and exacerbated existing inequalities, not least along gender lines.  With reduced work time and disproportionate job loses for mothers, women under-represented in decision making roles and over-represented in high risk caring roles, and with domestic violence escalating, the outlook has in many respects looked bleak for gender equality. … Read more

Open letter: Early intervention essential to address violence against women and girls

With media attention on violence against women and girls over the last few months, it is crucial to recognise that the conditions which feed such violence fester from childhood.  The link between the gender stereotyping which surrounds young children and a range of unequal and unacceptable outcomes, including male violence against women and girls, is clear and established.  Compelling… Read more

What next?

What next? Is a question that I and many others ruminated on throughout this past year. The pandemic and various lockdowns had given me more time to think and consider than any other time in my adult life. Despite sometimes feeling busier than ever, my ‘what next?’… Read more

‘Helpful girls’ and ‘strong boys’: gender stereotyping in schools

Caren wrote a blog for the RSA arguing for a whole school approach to challenging gender stereotypes

‘Stereotyping continues to feed the gender unequal outcomes still seen across society. In order to stop it in its tracks, our education system needs both to banish stereotyping from the school environment and to equip the next generation to call it out wherever it appears.’

Lifting Limits: National Diversity Awards finalist

We are delighted that Lifting Limits has been shortlisted in the National Diversity Awards 2020 for the Community Organisation Award for Gender.

The National Diversity Awards celebrates the excellent achievements of grass-root communities that tackle the issues in today’s society, giving them recognition for their dedication and hard work.… Read more