What essays of 11-year-olds tell us about the importance of gender norms

Uta Bolt –Research Fellow University of Bristol

Uta is a lecturer at the University of Bristol and a Research Fellow at the IFS. Her main research interest is the development of inequalities over the lifecycle and across generations.

Despite significant progress over the past decades, women still earn less than men.… Read more

Primary School Sports – What’s the Problem?

Should primary schools have separate girls and boys team for sport?

Peter Woolton has been a primary school practitioner for over 20 years. He volunteered in youth work and schools prior to his qualifying as a teacher. During his time in schools, he has held a number of roles including Class Teacher, Assessment Manager, Assistant Head Teacher, Curriculum Manager and Governor.… Read more

When girls are in the driving seat, futures change

Go Girls Go!
© Allison Black

Frances Gilbert has been a children’s book editor for 25 years but this is her first authored picture book. She was inspired by much of the gender inequity she’s seen in children’s books over the years to write a vehicles book for girls that put girls in the driver’s seat and let’s them know they don’t have to take a passenger seat to anyone.… Read more

My daughter wasn’t allowed to play cricket with the boys

The Gender Agenda

James Millar, one half of Twitter account Gender Diary, writes for Lifting Limits about his now 11 year-old’s experience of playing cricket, and how to challenge sexism in sport in order to ensure continued participation of girls.

Gender Diary tweet about their daughter and son and how people treat them differently.… Read more