WIBF Events: Gender inequalities and how to overcome them

Caren discussed Lifting Limits’ work in primary schools at a Women in Banking and Finance event and her talk was recorded to watch online. She was joined by Denise Cole, EMEA Head of Inclusion & Diversity at Citi, who spoke about Citi’s innovative and internally designed tools to raise awareness of unconscious bias.… Read more

Top tips to tackle gender stereotypes in education

Caren and Olivia contributed to a video at the Gender Action launch event on how to challenge gender stereotypes in nurseries, schools and colleges.

Olivia asks teachers to think about the language they are using in the classroom, and Caren suggests that, even if challenging stereotypes can seem like too big a task to take on, you just need to start somewhere…

Watch the video below or head over to the Gender Action blog.… Read more