Exciting news – Lifting Limits merges with The Children’s Society to scale our programme supporting children’s potential
We are delighted to announce that with effect from 10th March Lifting Limits is merging with The Children’s Society, a large national charity which fights for the hope and happiness of young people – and a charity that has long recognised the barriers that gender stereotypes place on young people’s wellbeing and success. You can continue to reach us on our Lifting Limits email addresses, or via liftinglimits@childrenssociety.org.uk.
Our whole-school approach integrates gender equality into the school curriculum, ethos and routines: equipping staff and pupils to recognise, discuss and challenge stereotypes and inequalities wherever they find them.
Find out more about what we do Read about our schools pilot scheme
We provide schools with everything they need to challenge gender stereotypes: the limiting effects start early and can last a lifetime.
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By the time they reach secondary school children often have entrenched views about gender norms. It is therefore important that children are educated about gender equality… in primary school.Women and Equalities Committee, 2016
Why don’t we have more female scientists? Why are so few men nurses? The root of most gender imbalances starts early on. By recognising and challenging these stereotypes we can lift the limits they place on children’s aspirations, choices and outcomes.
Lifting Limits opens our eyes to the unconscious bias that we are too often susceptible to within society. This is important work for teachers who believe in building equity, fairness & diversity.Professor Dame Alison Peacock, The Chartered College of Teaching
Stereotyping can destroy people’s dreams
stereotypes separate boys and girls a lot
it’s unfair how they can judge you by your gender